Commercial Plumbing Odor Control with Smoke Testing
Smoke testing is a commercial plumbing method used to determine blockages in a plumbing system. It can be performed on a smaller or larger scale, depending on the project. Brewer Commercial Plumbing Services is well-equipped to perform this type of testing on commercial businesses, to ensure that noxious and potentially explosive gases from the sewer are diverted properly and do not ‘leak’ into indoor spaces.
Smoke testing is also performed as a regular component of sanitary inspection programs, which are required by city codes. If you feel that your sewer has aged and requires monitoring in case something is already broken, simply call Brewer Commercial Plumbing and our professional commercial plumbers will perform all the necessary testing to ensure that your plumbing system is in top condition.
Smoke testing allows professional plumbers to send pressurized smoke through vents and entry points to identify areas where clogging has taken place.
The smoke used for this procedure is an industry standard type of smoke that will not stain or mar clothes, and is safe for both humans and animals. The smoke itself dissipates as quickly as it is released, giving Brewer’s plumbers just enough time to determine where possible clogs are located.
Here’s how it’s done: using LiquiSmoke, our professional plumber will drive pressurized smoke through a sanitary sewer line. The pressurized smokes naturally drive into the plumbing system, entering spaces that would otherwise be inaccessible through regular means.
When there is clogging, the smoke will suddenly exit around the blocked area instead of proceeding throughout the sanitary line. The best thing about smoke testing is that it is not impacted by soil type or whatever material is available on the ground. Depth will also not be a factor, as pressurized smoke can go down any depth easily.
Some things to remember about smoke testing:
#1 – A high capacity blower system will be used to drive the smoke throughout the affected system.
#2 – Plumes of smoke will be seen throughout the system, and sometimes the smoke may even be seen from another property. This is normal, and it would be up to Brewer’s plumbers to determine the possibilities why the smoke would end up there.
#3 – While unlikely, it is possible for some of the smoke to enter the premises of the commercial establishment if the blockage is there to begin with. Just think of it this way: if the smoke can get into your commercial establishment, then it’s highly likely that dangerous sewer gases have already been seeping inside for a long time, and you probably just didn’t know it.
#4 – The presence of smoke signifies possible cracks or weaknesses in the existing line. This is what we are after when performing inspections. Again, if smoke can infiltrate, then sewer gases, can to. If a sanitary line is in ideal condition, then the smoke will only exit through another manhole a while away, because that’s the only viable opening along the system.
Call Brewer Commercial Plumbing today and have your sanitary line inspected: 602.789.8858