Fire Hydrant Inspections, Installation & Maintenance in Phoenix, AZ
The installation of fire hydrants is essential to commercial establishments in Phoenix, and for this particular plumbing job, you will need the services of Brewer Commercial Plumbing Services, which specializes in all kinds of commercial plumbing projects, and also offers 24/7 emergency plumbing response to business owners across Phoenix and surrounding areas.
Below are some of the things that plumbers look out for when they are inspecting hydrants:
- The general condition of the fire hydrants – When hydrants are activated, the operator should be able to close it with ease, and the hydrant should also drain properly after use.
- Outlets – The outlets should be facing the correct direction so that they may be used conveniently and quickly in the event of a fire. Improper installation and misses in the small details like this one can cause problems during use.
- Direct physical damage – This is one of the more common problems that professional plumbers respond to. Traffic accidents involving hydrants and cars are never a pretty sight, and there’s no telling what will happen if you leave a broken hydrant to its own devices. Even a slight nudge from a slow-moving vehicle can damage essential components of hydrants, so make sure that you call Brewer for an emergency inspection if there is a traffic accident involving any of your hydrants.
- Possible obstructions – Electrical poles, fence posts, walls, and other structures can be obstructions to the optimal use of hydrants. In the event that there are severe obstructions, fire hydrants would have to be relocated so that the fire department will have full access to it if ever it is needed. It is also possible to relocate a hydrant if it has been mistakenly installed where another construction project is due to be initiated and it becomes the obstruction.
- Internal obstructions – Brewer’s professional plumbers can also inspect the internal mechanism and piping of your hydrants, to see if there are any debris blocking the path of the water once the valve is turned.
Physical obstructions can result in low water pressure and can even completely obstruct the flow of water, which is dangerous and unneeded during fire emergencies. Fire is definitely no laughing matter, and when it’s there, the firefighting setup has to operate at optimal level if you want to save your property.
This is the reason why Brewer Commercial Plumbing Services recommends at least annual inspections of all hydrants on your property and while you’re at it, you can also ask Brewer to inspect all the plumbing on your property, including grease traps and pumps.
Prevention has always been better than any cure, and in this case, ensuring that your hydrants are in perfect working condition means peace of mind and heightened safety in the event of a fire.
If you need your fire hydrants inspected or if you simply want to speak to a highly-trained and licensed professional plumber that specializes in commercial plumbing issues, call Brewer Commercial Plumbing Services today and schedule an appointment: 602.789.8858